Kris Kneen is the award-winning author of memoir—Affection and The Three Burials of Lotty Kneen—and fiction: An Uncertain Grace, Steeplechase, Triptych, The Adventures of Holly White and the Incredible Sex Machine, Wintering, as well as the Thomas Shapcott Award-winning poetry collection Eating My Grandmother. They have written and directed broadcast documentaries for SBS and ABC Television.
ABC Radio National: The Book Show
ABC Radio National: The Book Show
Australian Book Review podcast
On banned books, in the Sydney Morning Herald
On the challenges of being a mid-career writer, for Writing Queensland
ABC Radio National, The Bookshelf
ACP Panel: Imaged Future – Science Fiction, Our Dark Mirror
Festival of Questions 2017 Panel: What the Hell? The Handmaid’s Tale in 2017
The Garret podcast
On bisexuality and coming out, in Archer magazine