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The Dinkum Dictionary

The Dinkum Dictionary: 3rd edition

Susan Butler

Boiling the billy in the outback.
Planting a wattle in the nature strip.
Saying g’day to a dingbat.

Australians have ways of saying things that can confound other English speakers. The Dinkum Dictionary tells the stories behind the origins of a rich mix of distinctly Australian words and phrases, and with more than twenty new entries the third edition is an essential reference for the home, the office, the classroom, for anyone curious about how and why we use words.

Susan Butler
About the Author

Susan Butler is publisher of The Macquarie Dictionary and has been a member of its editorial committee since 1980.

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256 pp
Text publication date:
5 January 2009
AU Price:
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Praise for Susan Butler
andThe Dinkum Dictionary

‘How many of us realise we are using Australian English when we call an argument a “blue”, when we dismiss a tall story as a “furphy” or when we affectionately call a friend a “boofhead”? These kinds of discoveries are part of the pleasure of this dictionary.’

‘Proof positive that the Australian language still fizzes and sparkles like fireworks. Sue Butler’s Dinkum Dictionary is a little bottler.’

Other editions ofThe Dinkum Dictionary