Number 3 chiller

Our marketing manager Shalini Kunahlan has some hints and tips to help new writers submit their work...

Text’s September releases have something for everyone. Whether you’re a reader of fiction or non-fiction, we’ve got you covered.

To celebrate Women in Translation Month, here’s a snapshot of some our books written by and/or translated by women to help guide your reading.

A guide to catching your favourite Text authors at the Melbourne Writers Festival.

Father’s Day is Sunday 1 September – which means you’ve got even less time to get your gifts organised than you thought! Luckily for you, we’re here to help...

August (noun): the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar.
August (adjective): marked by majestic dignity or grandeur.

Saturday 10 August is Love Your Bookshop Day, and booksellers all over Australia will be throwing a party to celebrate all that’s great about local bookshops.

Welcome to MS Confidential: by Friday would be amazing, our brand-new blog series that explores the unique relationship between a writer and their most trusted confidant. Our first instalment features Alice Bishop, author of A Constant Hum, and her dad, Leon Bishop.

Text Publishing and the New Zealand Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc) are pleased to announce that submissions for the 2020 Michael Gifkins Prize for an Unpublished Novel are now open.

Suzie Bull of Farrells Bookshop in Mornington won the 2019 ABA Text Publishing Bookseller of the Year Award last month at a dinner at the Australian Booksellers Association Conference.