Articles tagged “family reviews”

And now for the next edition in our ‘Relatives Read Books’ series, the esteemed and erudite father (and very keen for his photo shoot, we must say) of senior editor Jane Pearson has read the incredibly epic (947 pages) The Fortunes of Richard Mahony by Henry Handel Richardson.
Mr Barrie Sheppard made short work of this tome and has fascinating things to say about this classic of Australian literature.
Over to you, Mr Sheppard...

And Text milks another family member for cold, hard, free publicity.
This time our trusty reviewer is Mr John Menzies, father of digital manager, Allison Menzies.
On with the review!

Welcome to the second instalment in our series of Text relatives reviewing books (mainly so we don’t have to listen to them going on about our books at home).
Today’s post is brought to you by Mr Raymond Ballantyne, father of Lucy Ballantyne, one of Text’s tireless publicists.
He is reviewing Draw Your Weapons by Sarah Sentilles, a meditation on violence and war and how art can resist and combat both.
Take it away, Mr Ballantyne...

If you’ve got a family you’ll know that everyone’s GOT AN OPINION. And in most cases, they’re happy to let you know ALL ABOUT THEM.
So we decided to let them tell us all about their thoughts on Text’s books. Thus, today we kick off our ‘Text Family Members Review Books’ series.
Today’s book review is from the father of our senior publicist, Alice Lewinsky. Mr Stephen Lewinsky read and reviewed one of our latest releases, Basket of Deplorables by Tom Rachman.