Number 3 chiller

It has been wonderful to see so many Text titles appear on ‘Best of 2015’ lists here and internationally in the last few weeks. Here are the most talked-about titles—books that have inspired and delighted readers everywhere. (These are the ones to brush up on for your xmas lunches/dinner parties/beachside tête-à-têtes!)

We were very sad this week to learn of the death of Peter Ryan, former newspaper columnist, director of Melbourne University Press and author of the acclaimed memoir Fear Drive My Feet, which was republished as a Text Classic in June. Our sincere sympathies go out to Peter’s family.
In his introduction to Fear Drive My Feet, Peter Pierce describes it as ‘the finest Australian memoir of war’. Read it in full below.

At the beginning of 2015 I made a New Year’s resolution to read two Text Classics a month for the entire year.
Text Publishing is looking for an experienced editor to join its busy and dynamic team.
As an independent publisher of quality fiction and non-fiction we are looking for someone who possesses exceptional editorial skills and a passion for reading across all genres.

Wondering what to give your cousin/niece/nephew/partner’s brother’s step-kid this Christmas? If you’ve made it to this blog post then the answer is obviously books. Garrison Keillor and I send our congratulations for that excellent choice.

Text’s Christmas mascot, Jimmy the bull terrier, is winning hearts all over the world. We asked his best friend—Brazilian artist and illustrator Rafael Mantesso—about their new life in the spotlight.
Jimmy has truly become a global Instagram sensation.

What are your loved ones getting for Christmas? Here are some bookish ideas from the team at Collins...oh...I mean William, Street.
David Winter
For Christmas I am hoping to receive a few days in the country and something for the pain.

Congratulations to Elizabeth Harrower, whose book In Certain Circles has won the Voss Literary Prize for the best Australian novel written in 2014. The prize is judged by Australian University Heads of English, the peak body for the study of English at Australian universities.

English-language publishers have a poor track record when it comes to translating books. The website Three Percent, launched in 2007, took its name from the fact that translated books amounted to a mere 3% of all books published in the US.

We’re giving away a copy of each of our December releases!
Just tell us why you’d like any of these books in the comments section on Text’s Facebook page (one book per person only).
Competition is open to AU/NZ residents only, entries close 10am AEST Monday 23 November.