Number 3 chiller

We all know that writing a book is hard yakka. Thankfully, Graeme Simsion – internationally bestselling author of the Rosie series – has written a no-drama, practical guide to writing a book, from concept to publication...

Text is looking for a highly organised, detail-oriented person with exceptional admin skills to join its small but vital finance team...

Text is looking for a motivated and highly capable person to provide admin support to the publishing team...

February’s new releases are an enticing mix of Australian and international fiction for adults, young adults and middle-graders. Read on for more details...

Call for entries for the $10,000 Text Prize for Young Adult and Children’s Writing for 2022.

It’s a new year – and thank goodness for that! January’s books are an enticing mix of Australian and international voices, from feel-good romances and engrossing beach reads to books that add to important conversations...

As we celebrate the publication of The City of Mist, the posthumous collection of stories from Carlos Ruiz Zafón, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the impact that Carlos made on the literary world, and on our lives.

Text Publishing is looking for a full-time Publicist to join its energetic, highly effective publicity team.

The weather’s getting warmer and the vaccination rates are getting higher – must be November!

It’s October. It’s been a big year. We strongly suggest ignoring the outside world and escaping into a good book (like one of these)...