Books are available all year ‘round.
Books do not need to be toasted and smothered in butter to be enjoyable.
Books will not make all your stuff sticky if you carry them around in your bag.
Books are low-carb and sugar-free.
Having more than one book is completely acceptable in polite company. (h/t to @nightlightguy)
Someone else can enjoy a book after you’ve finished it.
No-one gets hot under the collar when books appear in shops on Boxing Day. (h/t to @psephy)
No-one ever learned anything of note from a hot cross bun.
Books can still be fresh after hundreds of years. (h/t to @d_ncanb)
A hot cross bun will only very rarely move you to tears.
Books have won Pulitzer Prizes 100% of the time; hot cross buns, 0%.