Submissions for the 2020 Text Prize for Young Adult and Children’s Writing close soon. You have less than a week to complete your re-writes and proofreading and get your manuscript into the post in time to reach us by the deadline. Remember: all entries must be received by Text Publishing no later than 4pm Friday 7 February 2020 – that’s next Friday!
Please check the full terms and conditions and download an entry form here.
Got questions? Have a look at our frequently asked questions page!
Still got questions? Comment below or email us at books@textpublishing.com.au with ‘Text Prize’ in the subject line. You can also speak to us on Twitter at @textpubYA and @text_publishing.
Now in its thirteenth year, the $10,000 Text Prize is one of the most renowned prizes for young adult and children’s writing in Australia and New Zealand. Published and unpublished writers of all ages are eligible to enter with works of fiction or non-fiction. Awarded annually to the best manuscript written for young readers, the prize has unearthed extraordinary, multi-award-winning books and launched international publishing careers. The winner receives a publishing contract with Text and a $10,000 advance against royalties.