Illustrations of authors, if we were to take their names literally.
Tailless Monkey Arrested for Telemarketing Fraud, and other new titles for classic children’s books based only on their covers.
The real instructions needed to build an IKEA bookshelf.
Lonely Fitzgerald mails himself a postcard.
The incredible underground library at the Delft University of Technology.
10 foods from literature you can make yourself.
There must be a God. There cannot be a God. I will start a blog. Le blog de Jean-Paul Sartre.
How to make a photo bookmark. (Can I just make one with this guy’s picture?)
The joke ‘I’m so bookish, my bookmarks are smaller books’ taken literally by a designer who has created a bookmark that contains the entire text of Hamlet.
‘I’m embarrassed to read in public because I sometimes yell at characters’ and other reader confessions.