Let’s all enjoy some pictures of cats with books. (Extra points: see how many book titles containing the word ‘cat’ you can spot in the picture above.)
The 26 most important letters in the English language, in order.
You have to admire this nail art inspired by book covers. I’m going to buy some yellow nail polish this weekend and do a manicure homage to the Text Classics.
‘Oh, the sot has spoken’ and other lines from The Princess Bride that double as comments in a creative writing workshop.
‘Amid a rapidly changing Christmas-letter landscape, the printed word has become a less effective way to keep you informed about Dunbar family affairs,’ wrote editor-in-chief Phyllis Dunbar, who assured a readership of more than 60 friends and relatives that the December bulletin would remain the most reliable source for updates on Nathan’s progress in school, pet acquisitions and deaths, and the family’s travel plans. The Dunbar family makes the switch to digital publication.
Gorgeous and dramatic dioramas inspired by 19th-century women novelists.
A memorial / art installation pops up at an old Borders store.
A Reader’s Bill of Rights, illustrated.