20 awesome examples of literary graffiti.
You can do better than this, Jim. Feedback from James Joyce’s submission of Ulysses to his creative writing workshop.
10 illuminating fan letters from famous authors to famous authors.
Is this the smallest book ever printed? Sure, why not.
A gorgeous photo montage of the Shakespeare and Company bookshop in Paris.
7 geeky-cool versions of Hamlet. Heavy on the geeky.
I recently coined a general word for Matisse’s pictures after seeing his latest at the Marie Harriman: concubineapple. That shows you how my mind works — quick, and away from the point. Eudora Welty’s (failed) application to work at the New Yorker.
20 embarrassingly bad book covers for classic novels.
Do you have any Robin Hood stories where he doesn’t steal from the rich? My husband’s called Robin and I’d like to buy him a copy for his birthday, but he’s a banker, so… 15 strange comments from bookshop customers.