The Emotionary: words that don’t exist for feelings that do.
40 inspiring workspaces of the famously creative. E. B. White, you didn’t want a plant or something? Maybe a poster of a kitten captioned ‘Hang in there’?
15 books you should definitely not read in your 20s, or, indeed, at all, in some cases.
‘Have we met this character before?’ = ‘I edited your MS. while watching Big Bang Theory re-runs.’ A writing-workshop-to-English dictionary.
5 books with awful first titles. Can you imagine a Baz Luhrmann film called Trimalchio in West Egg?
The etymological origin of some insults.
An 8-year-old girl invents a way to keep your book dry in the bath. The condition of that book makes it look like there were a few failed earlier attempts.
The Great Catsby: forget Jay-Z and 3D, what Fitzgerald’s classic really needs is more cats.