Famous authors' funniest inscriptions in their books.
25 signs you’re addicted to books. (#13 is a perennial problem for me.)
Jack Kerouac was a mummy’s boy, or, five authors who do not live up to their mythology.
The Seattle Public Library broke the world record for longest book domino chain. Watch the mesmerising video.
9 books that people will judge you for reading, and why they’re wrong. (Besides the fact that you should never judge someone for reading.*)
The 10 most disturbing sociopaths in literature.
Create three-dimensional characters. Say you’re writing about a hard-charging banker who’s having an extramarital affair. This is a good start, but to avoid turning him into a cliché, you need to fill him out in three dimensions. In every paragraph, tell the reader exactly how high, wide, and long he is. For instance: “Benjamin Waller, a hard-charging banker who stood six feet one, with a size-thirty-two waist and a chest girth of forty inches, was having an extramarital affair.” Also mention that he drives a flashy sports car. 8 rules for writing fiction.
10 unfortunate grammar and spelling mistakes, and 10 more.
The avant-garde art of book stacking in Japan.
10 literary restaurants for hungry book nerds.
Stunning book sculptures made by carving into stacks of discarded books.
*You can judge them for not reading, though.