Some contemporary illustrations for famous novels.
How well do you know literature? Take the quiz! (I know literature very well. We were at kinder together.)
30 amazing book dedications that might actually be better than the books themselves.
Stepping down heavily on a stair that isn’t there. The urge to peek into boarded-up construction sites. The pressure to make bantering small talk with people you interact with every day. Thanks to Ben Schott’s Schottenfreude: German Words for the Human Condition, all of these feelings now have words to describe them.
The top 10 literary references in Morrissey songs.
Coffee. There’s something funny about Coffee. He was unpopular in high school, played clarinet and never got laid, not once (everyone was all about Cereal in those days), but ever since he graduated college and went on to become one of the world’s top neuroscientists everyone wants to be his friend. If breakfast foods were characters in a book.
The art of famous book covers.
Revenge of the Spotty Wifi and other Goosebumps titles for 20-somethings.
Ramon Todo’s unexpected layers of glass added to books and stones.
If popular books had clickbait titles.
20 photos of famous authors in costume, featuring my all-time favourite author-in-costume photo, Susan Sontag in a bear suit.