If quotes from Bernard Black (of Black Books) were motivational posters.
'An incredulity of cuckolds', 'a misbelief of painters' and other excellent collective nouns.
11 Nintendo games based on classic works of literature.
Who your favourite author slept with, in handy chart form.
11 books that should be turned into albums, and who oughta do it.
A secret bookshop in New York City that isn't so secret any more, I guess.
How should a perfect writer be?
C.S. LEWIS: Finally, a utopia ruled by children and populated by talking animals.
THE WITCH: Hi, I’m a sexually mature woman of power and confidence.
C.S. LEWIS: Ah! Kill it, lion Jesus!
Literary classics in three lines or fewer.
The secret emotional lives of punctuation marks.
The fat section of glossy photographs in the middle of the book includes at least one nude photograph of a long-dead movie star or a horribly mutilated corpse. Something you can hardly bear to look at, but keep flipping back to see. Signs the book you're reading is good.