20 famous authors as dolls. (That’s Raggedy Ayn Rand.)
Have you ever tried to imagine the layout of Bilbo Baggins' house, or the halls of Manderley? Now you can explore the homes of classic literature with these floor plans.
Moby-Dick was written in a cozy study with original fixtures in a beautiful house in the Berkshires—which is just spectacular at this time of year—by a talented writer and devoted husband and father named Herman Melville (who might have been gay, and that’s O.K.!). Positive book reviews are super positive!
The pros and cons of organising your bookshelves by colour.
A writer should write what he has to say and not speak it. The best quotes about writing from literature laureates' Nobel Prize acceptance speeches.
Author writes entire novel in nail art, presumably goes blind shortly afterwards.
Are you absolutely, positively and wholeheartedly ready to publish your novel? You’d better consult this handy infographic first.
‘Why do you think the agent stopped returning the author’s phone calls?’ and other questions for your bookclub when considering a remaindered book.