Literary Valentines for the romantic reader.
Great historical slang from the Oxford English Dictionary. I for one have been doing my darnedest to bring ‘snoot’ and all its derivatives back.
Why yes, I would like to watch David Lynch’s ads for perfume based on the works of Lawrence, Hemingway and Fitzgerald.
The weird handwriting of famous authors.
Classic novels are brought to life through book sculptures. One could argue that the novels might also be brought to life by reading them, but these are kind of cute, so.
10 great films and their literary counterparts.
Author would call publicist in the middle of the night complaining about the “hard sheets,” demand a room upgrade, and then apologize and inquire about her “soft skin”. Things publishers say in their promotional material, and things publishers should say in their promotional material.
All the times poetry is mentioned on The Simpsons.
This is exquisite: nail art inspired by children’s books.
The 10 worst relationships in literature.
Another theory [of Hemingway’s] was that, if you had sex often enough, you could eat all the strawberries you wanted without contracting hives, even if you were allergic to the fruit. The secret sex lives of famous authors.