10 quotes from writers who loved a stiff drink.
Can you distinguish between 80 different languages in the Great Language Game?
Book Hive is a kinetic sculpture featuring 400 animatronic books, built to celebrate 400 years of libraries in Bristol.
Here’s the first recorded instance of the F-word.
While we’re on that subject: rude words drawn on Kingsley Amis in lipstick.
Since it’s Valentine’s Day, let’s look at some of the dirty love-rat antics of famous authors.
My Scummy Valentine: writers and editors on their worst dates.
Okay, here’s something a little less grouch-like: literature’s 25 most memorable love affairs.
A linguist explains the grammar of doge. Very grammar. Wow. So words.
16 children’s book characters in court.
Let the Hemingway app edit your writing, Hemingway style.
(Hmm, Hemingway himself doesn’t fare all that well using the Hemingway app.)
Dirtbag Hamlet: a modern remake of Shakespeare with a teenage dirtbag cast.