10 inspiring bookshops around the world.
Why yes, I would like to read Bukowski’s FBI file.
Great cocktail moments in literature.
I looked up at the mass of signs and stars in the night sky and laid myself open for the first time to the benign indifference of “k.” Excerpts from Albert Camus' The Texter.
The authors of Go the F-ck to Sleep celebrate Werner Herzog’s birthday.
Is the main character in Grand Theft Auto Serbian, Slovak, Bosnian, Croatian or Russian? Is the band called ‘Eagles’ or ‘THE Eagles’? Wikipedia’s lamest edit wars.
Author John Green presents 107 examples of regional slang.
Amazing paintings hidden in nineteenth-century books.
The most private authors and the most public authors.
9. You are drunker than you realize.
10. Really drunk.
How to tell if you’re in an Iris Murdoch novel.