We are thrilled to announce that Text Publishing will co-publish the agenda-setting quarterly Griffith REVIEW, one of the most highly respected publications of its kind in Australia.
This partnership brings together a periodical which has set new standards in the debate of cultural and social issues, with a publishing company that has played a leading role in opening up the possbilities for quality Australian and New Zealand non-fiction and fiction.
Griffith REVIEW is a high-quality periodical, delivering insight into the issues that matter the most in a timely, authoritative and engaging fashion. Each themed edition includes the writing of at least twenty new and emerging writers and thinkers. Contributors include Frank Moorhouse, Marcia Langton and Michael Wesley, and Griffith REVIEW has won numerous major awards including the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award three times in the last five years and the 2007 Walkley Award for Excellence in Journalism.
The quarterly is right at home on the list of Text Publishing, which publishes leading Australian thinkers and non-fiction writers including Tim Flannery, Raimond Gaita, Inga Clendinnen and Robert Manne, and outstanding fiction including Booker-shortlisted authors Lloyd Jones, Kate Grenville and M.J. Hyland.
The new partnership has been hailed as a fruitful collaboration between ideas-based publishers, aimed at putting Griffith REVIEW in its rightful, prominent place in bookshops across Australia and New Zealand.
Michael Heyward, Publisher at Text, said, ‘Griffith REVIEW has proven itself to be an engine house of ideas under the inspired editorship of Julianne Schultz. There is no publication like it in the country. ‘At Text we have always had a passionate interest in writing about ideas that can reach the broadest possible audience. We think the fit between Text and Griffith REVIEW is going to be fascinating and productive, and we are thrilled at our new partnership. All of us at Text look forward to working with Julianne and her team.’
Julianne Schultz also welcomed the partnership: ‘Over the past six years Griffith REVIEW has published more than 250 writers and found that readers love good writing that teases out the complexity of contemporary issues.
‘Michael’s passion for publishing, and his talented team, ensures Text produces beautiful and important books. This is an exciting partnership that will enrich Australia’s literary and ideas culture.’
Editorial control of Griffith REVIEW will remain with the current team, while design and distribution will now be managed collaboratively with Text Publishing.
The first issue of Griffith REVIEW co-published with Text Publishing will be #25, ‘After the Crisis’. It will be released on 31 August 2009.