Articles tagged “friday links”
33 wonderful fan-designed covers for famous novels.
Jack London loved braiding men’s hair, and 99 other completely untrue literary rumours.
Quiz: Jay-Z lyric or line from The Great Gatsby?
Tarantino films as Penguin-style book covers.
Back from the dead and taking selfies: classic authors on Instagram.
Hot on the news of their Goodreads acquisition, Amazon announces they have purchased English.
8 beautiful bookstores in residential spaces.
Rejection is an unpleasant experience. Take the edge off it by playing some rejection bingo.
Snoutfair, wonder-wench and other delightful words that should never have gone out of style.
30 delicious-looking literary cakes.
Try to imagine a giraffe on roller skates slowly rolling toward the edge of a cliff. How to interpret your rejection letter.
The latest publishing gif tumblr: Intern in Publishing.
20 highly sexy photos of highbrow authors.
Anne Sexton says it’s the sexiest meal of the day and Bilbo Baggins likes it so much he has it twice: what a character’s breakfast choices say about them.
The lovely literary window displays at Bergdorf Goodman.
14 classic albums reimagined as books.
No chewing on the headphone cords and other very specific rules from real libraries.
Nerd gym: a bizarre library work-out video.
The 10 sexiest books of all time?
Read 20 novels in 2 minutes, in emoji form.
You are what you read: Read more
If you lived in a world made of books, it might look a little something like this.
Related: how to make a headboard for your bed.
Personal ads in the New York Review of Books: helping nerds get dates since 1963.
What mode of communication should you use? Consult this handy flowchart for the answer.
10 movies that make writing out to look incredibly dangerous (and not a one about the perils of paper cuts).
Sylvia Plathypus and other literary puns, illustrated.