Text is thrilled to be launching, in partnership with Writing NSW, the Boundless Indigenous Writer’s Mentorship.
Applications open Tuesday 12 June 2018 and close Monday 13 August 2018.
Text Publishing and Writing NSW are proud to announce an exciting opportunity for an early career Indigenous writer from anywhere in Australia.
The Boundless Indigenous Writer’s Mentorship aims to discover and nurture a powerful new Indigenous voice in Australian literature.
This joint initiative will provide a year-long structured mentorship to an unpublished Indigenous writer who has already made substantial progress on a fiction or non-fiction manuscript.
This mentorship is an exciting opportunity for an emerging writer to further develop their literary skills from the first page to the finished publication. Congratulations to Writing NSW and Text Publishing on this exciting project, one that assists in facilitating a professional career for First Nations Australia Writers.
— Kerry Reed-Gilbert, Chair of the First Nations Australia Writers Network
The recipient of the year-long mentorship will be paired with a senior Indigenous writer working in the same genre, who will provide feedback on their manuscript and professional advice. They will also receive professional guidance from Text Publishing and Writing NSW, and both the recipient and mentor will be sponsored to attend Boundless, a festival for diverse writers to be held in Sydney in 2019.
The inaugural Boundless Indigenous Writer’s Mentorship will be judged by multi-award-winning Wiradjuri author Tara June Winch, alongside representatives from Text Publishing and Writing NSW.
The opportunity to work with a master is not only significant for the emerging writer, but also for the mentoring author. The process they undergo is as old and sacred as our culture, the handing-down of the skills and tools needed to one day be passed down again and again. Being able to teach and to learn in such a close and guided fellowship is a once-in-a-career moment.
— Tara June Winch
To apply to and for more information, including the terms and conditions, on the Boundless Indigenous Writer’s Mentorship, go to the Writing NSW website.
All enquiries about the mentorship should be directed to Writing NSW.