Articles tagged “text classics”

At the beginning of 2015 I made a New Year’s resolution to read two Text Classics a month for the entire year.

Illustration by Dina Dryhurst from Aunts Up the Cross
Next month sees the release of two books by the extraordinary Robin Dalton—the fiftieth-anniversary edition of Aunts Up the Cross and the first edition of My Relations.
This month we’re excited to be publishing no less than five Randolph Stow novels in the Text Classics series, all with new companion essays.
I first encountered James Aldridge’s books in the Kangaroo Flat Library when I was a braces-wearing, freckled eleven-year-old in zinc cream and Ken Done shorts.
We recently republished Patricia Wrightson’s I Own the Racecourse! in the Text Classics series. Kate Constable’s new introduction to this charming tale is reproduced below.
We recently republished Joan Phipson’s The Watcher in the Garden in the Text Classics series. Margo Lanagan’s new introduction to this complex and gripping novel for young adults is reproduced below.
The Watcher in the Garden surprised me.
As part of the launch of the Text Classics in the UK, BBC Radio 4’s Mariella Frostrup spoke to Thomas Keneally, Geordie Williamson and Carmen Callil about the Text Classics, Australian literature and cultural identity.
Listen to them discuss works by Henry Handel Richardson, Read more