Number 3 chiller

Text is thrilled that Jock Serong’s brilliant literary thriller, The Rules of Backyard Cricket, has been shortlisted in the Best Paperback Original category for the 2018 Edgar Allan Poe Awards.
Each spring (or autumn, depending on your hemisphere), Mystery Writers of America present the Edgar® Awards, widely acknowledged to be the most prestigious awards in the genre.

Q. Why are there almost as many jokes about death as there are about sex?
A. Because they both scare the pants off us.
Heidegger and a Hippo Walk Through Those Pearly Gates: Using Philosophy (and Jokes!) to Explore Life, Death, the Afterlife, and Everything in Between is exactly what it says. Daniel Klein, author of Every Time I Find the Meaning of Life, They Change It and Travels with Epicurus, has teamed up with his good friend Thomas Cathcart to take on death at full joke throttle.
Read an extract from this fearless and brilliant book...

When should you quit that job? When should you sit an exam? When is the best time of day for a hospital procedure? Have you ever wondered these things? Daniel H. Pink has. Drawing on a rich trove of research from psychology, biology and economics, his latest book, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, unlocks the scientific secrets to good timing to help you flourish at work, school and home.
We’ve collected some fascinating facts from this thought-provoking and motivational book that’s already had some members of the Text office quietly rescheduling meeting times and holding off on their coffee intake for an extra hour or two.

Jack Iverson took up cricket in 1946, at 31, walking into a cricket club just to have a go. Four years later he was the best spin bowler in the world.
Read an excerpt from the latest book in the Text Classics series, Mystery Spinner, with an introduction by Russell Jackson, the biography of perhaps the most original and the most elusive character in Australian sporting history, by renowned cricket writer Gideon Haigh.

Text is thrilled that five of our authors have been shortlisted for the 2018 Indie Book Awards!
Have a look at who’s been nominated and read extracts from all five books!

Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel launched the Storytime Pledge campaign last month, encouraging people to read a great book to a child over the summer holidays.

Text is thrilled to have Wayne Macauley’s Some Tests, Eva Hornung’s The Last Garden and Vikki Wakefield’s Ballad for a Mad Girl shortlisted in the 2018 Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature.

January is here, along with glorious weather, BBQs (no open flames, please!), some absolute must-read summer books and a million and one New Year’s resolutions.
For your chance to win one of our summery screeds, have a look at what we’ve got for you, then head over to our Facebook page and tell us which one you’d like to win and why.

Submissions for the 2018 Text Prize for Young Adult and Children’s Writing are now open.
The Text Prize aims to discover incredible new books for young adults and children by Australian and New Zealand writers. Published and unpublished writers of all ages are eligible to enter with works of fiction or non-fiction.
Read on for details.

Need some last-minute Christmas gifts? Something that will keep young and old and in-between entranced for more than ten minutes after unwrapping them?
Jane Pearson, kids and YA editor extraordinaire (amongst many other marvellous skills) shares her picks from this year.