Number 3 chiller

If you haven’t read Kimberly Brubaker Bradley’s marvellous Newbery Honor Book, The War That Saved My Life, you need to, because her just as wonderful sequel, The War I Finally Won, is finally out now.
We sat down with the amazingly talented Ms Bradley and asked her a few questions about the writing process and about Ada (no spoilers, we promise!).

The Digital Writers’ Festival runs from Tuesday 24 October to Friday 3 November.
Where are the events? Everywhere!
Read on for details.

She doesn’t know him. But he knows everything about her.
Get ready for another high-stakes, intense psychological thriller from Melanie Raabe, author of the international bestseller The Trap.
The Stranger is packed full of gripping twists and turns and everything else that you loved about Melanie Raabe’s first book.
Read on for an extract.

Welcome to the second instalment in our series of Text relatives reviewing books (mainly so we don’t have to listen to them going on about our books at home).
Today’s post is brought to you by Mr Raymond Ballantyne, father of Lucy Ballantyne, one of Text’s tireless publicists.
He is reviewing Draw Your Weapons by Sarah Sentilles, a meditation on violence and war and how art can resist and combat both.
Take it away, Mr Ballantyne...

Robin Sloan has cooked up yet another delicious feast of literature. Sourdough tells the tantalising tale of Lois, a techie at a robotics company who codes all day, eats the company’s slurry for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and collapses into her bed at night.
What follows is an epic adventure involving a singing sourdough starter, underground farmers’ markets, Lois clubs (They do exist!), goats, and a robotic arm that can crack an egg.
Read on for a slice of Robin Sloan’s Sourdough, then make your very own sourdough starter with Robin Sloan’s recipe after the extract.

Two Steps Forward is the feelgood novel of the year from Graeme Simsion, author of The Rosie Project and Anne Buist, author of Medea’s Curse.
We asked Anne Buist and Graeme Simsion for their top ten Camino food and wine favourites and they did not disappoint.
Read on to get the low-down on where to replenish your appetite and soul after a long day’s trek.

You know when something’s coming up and you keep getting small thrills of excitement because it’s so good and you can’t wait for it to happen?
That’s how we’ve been feeling at Text for months about our October books. (Okay, we feel like that for all of our books, but there’s been just a leetle bit more excitement for this month’s list.)
Take a look and you’ll see why!

Bird Country, the sparkling debut from Claire Aman is out this month through Text. It is a poignant and powerful collection of portraits of ordinary people in rural Australia.
Bird Country launched earlier this month with an insightful speech by Cate Kennedy at Readings in St Kilda, and we thought we’d share it with you as well as a short story from the collection.
Read on...

The Wilders want revenge and things are looking bleak.
Wilder Country by Mark Smith is here and it’s every bit as gripping as The Road to Winter.
We could rant about how exciting, dark and riveting this series is all day. But instead, we’re going to let the author, Mark Smith tell you about it himself.
As well as giving you an extract to read.