Number 3 chiller

March books are here, and we’ve got translations, space adventures and film adaptations – all up for grabs in our monthly giveaway.
Have a look at our new books and then head over to Text’s Facebook page for your chance to win one.

A. S. King’s unforgettable novel Please Ignore Vera Dietz is out through Text this month. John Green has described A. S. King as ‘one of the best YA writers working today.’

Craig Sherborne’s latest book, Off the Record: A Novel, is a riotously unforgiving story about a tabloid crime reporter who considers himself a writer of exceptional talent and a hero to his wife and teenage son.
We sat down with Craig Sherborne, whom the Australian has referred to as ‘a supreme wordsmith’, and asked him a few questions.
Enjoy – then stick around to read an excerpt from his latest masterfully written satire.

Welcome to our latest instalment of Meet the Texters!
Today’s Texter is Khadija Caffoor, Text’s Rights & Export Coordinator. She is a part of a small but mighty team, negotiating with international publishers and brokering audio and film rights, and is instrumental in the expansion of Text’s export business in the UK and US. Read on for insight into this jetsetting, hard-working Texter’s life and some excellent rights-related tips for authors!

Anne Buist knows a thing or two about what goes into a psychological thriller. She’s got over twenty-five years’ clinical and research experience in perinatal psychiatry and has worked with protective services and the legal system in cases of abuse, kidnapping, infanticide and murder.
This I Would Kill For is her latest book, the third in the ‘Natalie King, forensic psychiatrist’ series.
We asked Anne some questions about writing thrillers and the delicate art of translating your work into your fiction. Enjoy – then stick around to read an excerpt from her latest page-turner.

Text is mightily pleased to announce that three of its authors have been longlisted for the Stella Prize!
Bernadette Brennan, Krissy Kneen and Kate Cole-Adams are all in the running for this prestigious award. Read on to learn more about them and their nominated books as well as some extracts and interviews.

Text has recently published Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process, the long-awaited guide to writing long-form non-fiction by the legendary author and teacher by John McPhee, a vivid depiction of the writing process, enriched by personal reflections on the life of a writer and McPhee’s keen sense of writing as a way of being in the world.
Read an excerpt from this fascinating book...

Text is publishing a golden little nugget of a book this month, The Story of Shit by Midas Dekkers, translated from the Dutch by Nancy Forest-Flier.
We’ve selected some little gems from this fascinating book all about that most delicate of subjects – shit.

Text is thrilled to announce that not one but two books by two incredible authors won three awards between them at the 2018 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards!

If, like us, you’re planning on staying indoors and no more than two metres away from an air conditioner this coming month, you could do a lot worse than spending most of that time reading Text’s February books.
Have a look at our offerings for February and then head over to Text’s Facebook page for your chance to win one.